Learn how to eat like an elite athlete

why and how top endurance athletes model healthy eating habits for everyone

Running a marathon may not have made it on your goals list for 2021, but that doesn’t mean you can’t eat like an elite endurance athlete. Find out what personal trainers and dieticians are learning to develop core habits that optimize any workout level.

Image: Eat Like an Elite.

The Wheat Foods Council has teamed up with Matt Fitzgerald — an endurance sports author, coach and nutritionist — for a free webinar. You can tune in on Wednesday, February 24 to discuss why and how top endurance athletes model healthy eating habits for everyone.

Fitzgerald is the author of the books How Bad Do You Want It?, 80/20 Running and The Endurance Diet. He is also co-founder and co-head coach of 80/20 Endurance and the creator of the Diet Quality Score app.

How to eat like an elite athlete

The webinar will share what he has learned after talking with professional endurance from across the globe… And how he found they all eat similarly. Fitzgerald has compiled those practices into five core habits essential to achieve optimal workout benefits:

  1. Eat everything.
  2. Eat quality food.
  3. Maintain a carb-centered diet, not a high-carb diet.
  4. Eat enough, not too little or too much.
  5. Consider your individual nutrition needs.

The webinar will walk through each of these habits and provide practical tips and ideas of how personal trainers and dieticians can support anyone — no matter their fitness or competitive status — in capitalizing on the related health benefits.

Wheat foods — both whole grains and enriched grain products — play an important role in this process. They provide fiber, folic acid, vitamins and minerals. Whole-grain wheat foods are good sources of B-vitamins, vitamin E, protein and antioxidants. Enriched grain products have equal benefits from iron and B-vitamins as well as more than twice the amount of folic acid as whole wheat products. Learn more about wheat nutrition at https://eatwheat.org/learn/wheat-nutrition/.

The Wheat Foods Council is a leading source of science-based information on these benefits. For more than four decades, the council’s members have shared their expertise on “all things wheat foods” with health and nutrition practitioners, educators, media, consumers and anyone who loves the many wonderful foods made from wheat.

So, whether you want to lose some weight, get faster or look like an elite athlete, join the webinar on Wednesday, February 24 at 11:00 a.m. Eastern / 10:00 a.m. Central. Register for the free event here: https://event.webinarjam.com/register/33/05pw6c8x.