Classes of Wheat

How many types of wheat are there? There are six types or classes of wheat grown in the United States! These include hard red winter, hard red spring, soft red winter, hard white, soft white and durum. Anyone who has ever revamped their home’s landscaping knows that it takes hard…

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Infographic depicting the mechanisms of Celiac Disease

The wheat grown by American farmers feeds the world – except for those afflicted by a serious autoimmune disease. During the month of May – Celiac Disease Awareness Month – the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness encourages individuals to learn…

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Photo: Healthy sandwich.

The goals to eat healthier and exercise more typically rank among the top resolutions people make every year. A nutritious, well-balanced diet, including whole and  enriched grains combined with exercise, help minimize health risks, improve mobility and brain function, combat some cancers and other diseases, and overall just make a person feel better. We know making New…

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Whole grains comes in all shapes in sizes!

Looking for ways to increase your whole grain consumption? Check out these tips to make half of your grains whole grains! Breakfast is a great time to incorporate whole grains into your day: Choose whole grain cereal with low-fat milk in the morning. Pair eggs with a slice or two…

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Photo: Foods rich in fiber. Healthy eating.

Maybe you’ve heard about the benefits of fiber in the diet, but you’re not sure if you’re getting enough fiber. What are the benefits? And what foods contain fiber? Whole grains are an excellent source of fiber! What is Fiber? Fiber is a complex carbohydrate. There are two types,…

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Photo: Whole grains, wheat, flour, bran.

Whole Grain Feel like identifying whole grains is a bit of a mystery? Looking to add more whole grains to your diet but not sure where to start? The Dietary Guidelines for Americans and MyPlate state that we should aim to make at least half of all grains consumed in…

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Image: Carbohydrates complex carbs.

A quick google search of carbohydrates or “carbs” and you are likely confused about whether or not you should be consuming them. Several popular diets claim that carbohydrates are bad for your health and are associated with weight gain. However science and evidence-based research show us that carbohydrates are needed…

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Photo: Money on dinner plate.

I often hear how eating healthy is too expensive, but with a little planning and strategy you can get the most for your food budget!   Have a Plan! Before going to the grocery store, plan your meals for the week. I like to look at the grocery store…

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Photo: Whole wheat kernels with spoon.

Are you wanting to introduce more whole grains into your family’s meals and snacks but are worried that your child(ren) won’t eat whole grains? Childhood is an important time to establish healthy eating patterns. Encouraging children to adopt healthy eating habits from a young age can have a positive…

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Photo: Happy family cooking pizza together in the kitchen.

During the week it can be a juggling act to prepare a balanced meal for your family between jobs, daycare pick-ups, and afterschool activities. It can be tempting to go through a drive-thru on your way home from work or when running your kids around to their various activities. From…

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